Moving to the UK: English foods

So you’ve sorted out your UK visa, shipped your stuff for the big move overseas, figured out your London accommodation and booked your flight. You’re just about ready for the big adventure. What next? It may seem unimportant, but if you’re moving to the UK it may pay to familiarise yourself with the lexicon of […]

Moving to the UK: Finding accommodation in London

Moving to a new country is always stressful. There’s so much to sort out – plane tickets, UK visas, money and most importantly, looking for accommodation. If you’re moving to London, finding accommodation can be extremely challenging, as demand is high and competition stiff, so come prepared. These few tips will help you find accommodation […]

Moving to the UK: Visas

If you’re thinking of moving to the UK, applying for a valid visa is the first step you’ll need to take! There are a few options for visas if you’re looking to move to the UK for a short time in order to experience the culture and the opportunity for travel. All UK visas are granted […]